It’s almost that time of year for lights and holiday cheer from St. Barnabas Charities and anyone can help bring that cheer.
More than 15,000 multi-colored lights will illuminate the largest living Christmas tree east of the Mississippi at St, Barnabas Gibsonia campus. With a donation to St. Barnabas Charities Free Care Fund you can name a light in their honor.
Tributes will also be honored in a book displayed at the St. Barnabas Nursing Home Chapel.
To donate text G-I-V-E to 414-44, call 724-625-3770, or donations can be acted at StBarnabasCharities.com.
St. Barnabas Free Care Fund raises money to provide free services to patients and residents at St. Barnabas Nursing Home.
The post St. Barnabas To Celebrate Lights of Life appeared first on ButlerRadio.com – Butler, PA.