Want to water your plants this summer for free?
Cranberry Township will hold a couple classes later this month about installing and operating household rain barrels. Barrels attach to a home or building’s downspouts and can capture as much as 55 gallons of rainwater runoff.
Two separate one-hour classes will be held on May 15 and 16 at the Cranberry Township Municipal Center. You only need to attend one class. Registration is limited to residents of Cranberry and Seven Fields.
The cost of the class is $30, but it does include a rain barrel which each participate is invited to take home and install. Officials say the selling price of a barrel is usually around $130.
The annual rain barrel class will be presented by Haine Middle School. Its curriculum, under the direction of teachers Allison Stebbins and John Schmidt, is focused on the environment. Home Depot is a sponsor of this year’s program, together with the Collection Connection, Cranberry Township’s solid waste management program.
Cranberry supplies fresh water and wastewater treatment to more than 90 percent of the Township’s population. It also maintains a network of storm water catch basins and conduits throughout the community. As a result, water conservation as well as storm water management are important Township responsibilities. Rain barrels provide advantages to both areas.
To register for the class, call 724-776-4806 or visit the Cranberry Township Customer Service Desk during normal business hours. Advance payment by cash or check is due at the time of registration.
The post Rain Barrel Class Available For Cranberry Residents appeared first on ButlerRadio.com – Butler, PA.