A local non-profit organization spent time Thursday afternoon giving away toilet paper in downtown Butler.
Multiple Center for Community Resources staff members spent several hours on Main Street giving away 400-500 rolls of toilet paper to anyone who would want some.
Hayley Merchant is the Director of Programs for the CCR in Butler:
“The shelves are still pretty bare here in downtown so we reached out to Capco who ordered some bulk boxes in so we thought, instead of people worrying about what they are going to do, let’s just open it up and do just one big giveaway and take away some of that fear and also restore a little bit of hope that we are missing these days.”
According to CCR President and CEO Mike Robb, the organization put their information referral number on there as well as their crisis line number. This outreach is all about meeting basic needs.
“People are like ‘Hey thanks!’ because most of the shops are getting raided. It’s a basic need really, toilet paper so if we can do that, its not telling anybody they have a mental health need or a drug and alcohol need, you just have a human need. We figure it will brighten up somebody’s day since everybody is a little stressed out with what’s going on.”
CCR remains open but has adjusted their hours to 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday due to the coronavirus outbreak. The Crisis Services line continues to remain available 24/7.
The post Local Group Hands Out Toilet Paper in Butler appeared first on ButlerRadio.com – Butler, PA.