The polls have closed in the Pennsylvania Primary Election on Tuesday.
The Butler Radio Network is airing live election return coverage beginning at 9 p.m. on WBUT 1050AM, and after the Pittsburgh Pirates game on WISR 680AM.
You can also listen to returns live online at wbut.com and wisr680.com beginning at 9 p.m., and via WBUT’s and WISR’s free mobile apps. We’ll also be posting updates on Butler Radio’s social media pages.
Voters statewide headed to the polls to decide on their parties’ candidates for the fall election. Here in Butler County, voters cast their ballots in a number of contested races including Butler County Common Pleas Court Judge, Butler City Council and several township and borough seats, as well as local school boards.
There were also two special elections today- one in the 11th state House District to replace former State Rep. Brian Ellis, and the other in the 41st Senatorial District to replace former State Sen. Don White. Independent voters cast ballots in these two special elections if they live in the corresponding districts. Nonpartisan voters in Middlesex Township also voted today on whether to allow township businesses to sell alcohol.
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