Despite some areas of drought, it’s been an overall good summer for crops so far.
“We’ve had a pretty favorable spring for growing summer crops, since it was pretty warm. We did have some areas of drought, but we did get the rain to get the crops watered, which is ultimately what is needed,” Liam Migdall, spokesperson for the PA Farm Bureau said.
One of the main summer crops people are looking forward to is sweet corn. Migdall says that some areas are already producing corn, while others aren’t far behind.
“It’s mostly the southcentral part of the state; also the southeast and parts of the southwest that have sweet corn ready,” Migdall said. “And then the farms that typically wont’ have it until the end of the season is the northern part of the state, which will have it at the end of July and early August.”
In addition to corn, Migdall said tomatoes, peppers, and squash are popular summertime crops people enjoy eating.
The post Farm Bureau Says Crop Season Has Been “Good So Far” appeared first on ButlerRadio.com – Butler, PA.