It wasn’t a typical Election Day pancake festival at the Tanglewood Center. Crowds were socially distant, masks were being worn, and hand sanitizer was abundant.
But there were familiar aspects. A lot of pancakes, plenty of coffee, and political candidates.
Republican Congressman Mike Kelly (PA-16) was at the entrance greeting voters. He had already voted and was ready for a day of campaigning.
“I went to mass, had communion, voted this morning at the Salvation Army on Cunningham Street, and then work the whole district,” Kelly said. “I’m cautiously optimistic because this election is so different. But I’m just so impressed by the number of people who are out there and the lines building up at all the polling places.”
Kelly is facing off against Democratic candidate Kristy Gnibus, who spent her morning in Cranberry Township and Zelienople. She’ll work her way north before ending in her hometown of Erie. Kelly is planning an election party at the 11th Frame.
State Senator Scott Hutchinson (R-21) was also enjoying pancakes at the Tanglewood Center.
“This is a critical election for all of America,” Hutchinson said. “I am very pleased, I’m hearing a lot of reports of people turning out. It’s so important that people show up and vote. It’s our right but it’s also our responsibility.”
Democrat Shelbie Stromyer is challening Hutchinson, who has been a state senator since being elected in 2012.
The post Candidates Gear Up For Busy Election Day appeared first on ButlerRadio.com – Butler, PA.