Butler Township’s 2024 budget will be balanced using existing anticipated revenue for the 13th year in a row.
Township commissioners approved a final general fund budget of just over $11 million with no property tax increase during their meeting Monday night.
According to Township manager Tom Knights, the size of the budget will increase by over $1.7 million compared to the current year. This figure includes the over two million dollar Hansen Avenue and Whitestown Road realignment project of which two thirds will come from a state grant but the township remains responsible for $700,000.
Budgetary expenses include two new police vehicles, as well as a 550 dump truck with snowplow for use by the road department. The costs of many items and utilities have continued to increase this year.
Responsible planning by Butler Township administrators will allow township residents to continue paying a tax rate of 11.25 mils in 2024.
The post Butler Twp. Approves Budget Without Tax Increase appeared first on ButlerRadio.com – Butler, PA.